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5 security measures that you should consider - Security Portal
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Securitate IT

5 security measures that you should consider

Feeling secure is always the most important thing. Either we are talking about your physical security or your online security, you should always be aware of the danger that surrounds you.

Physical security can be easily taken away from you. For your personal protection we recommend you check out our courses on Introduction to Security and Personal Security. We want you to feel safe and be safe.

Now let’s move on to online security. There are many measures you should consider when you open your computer and start searching the internet. We will break it down for you and give you the top 5 measures you should be aware of.

  1. Strong and unique passwords

We all know the struggle of creating a password and then remembering it when needed. This is actually the reason why we use the same password on different websites and accounts. As hard as it may be, you need to have a different password on every single new account or website you login to. Also do not use your maiden name, your date of birth or your cats name as a password. Experts recommend we use characters and numbers when creating a new password so we won’t become a victim of hackers.

  1. The two steps login way

Do you know when you pay for something online and you need to take at least two steps before the transaction is complete? Well this is similar to that. Whenever you have the option, make sure you use the two steps login way. What does that mean? Well first you enter your password. After that the service will ask you for a code which is only send to your mobile so no one but you will have access to that. You can use this service on Gmail or Facebook, for example.

  1. Antivirus is a must

This one is for sure a no brainer and almost everyone that owns a computer has an antivirus as well. The Antivirus helps you protect your computer from viruses on websites that you access on a daily basis. Even if you think you are on a safe website, there can be a dangerous virus hiding somewhere on that page. But not to worry because your antivirus has got you!

  1. Secure websites

As a follow up to our antivirus situation, even with a secure path ahead, some viruses have a way of integrating themselves into your computer. It is best you stay away from unsafe websites. Your antivirus will warn you whenever you are on a dangerous and untrustworthy territory so you better take its advice into consideration. The way to know that the website that you enter isn’t safe, you must look on the left corner of the screen to see if a green lock appears. If there isn’t any, the words “Not Secure” will appear and that is your que to exit the website.

  1. Latest software and updates

Last but definitely not least, your software must be up to date for you to enjoy your computers full power. A happy and fast computer is an updated one. You can always turn on the automatic updates so you don’t have to worry about missing one.

With all of that being said, we wish you safety online and offline.

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