Peste 200 megapixeli pentru rezolutie de top pentru detalii
Cea mai atractiva caracteristica a Panomera pentru persoanele de decizie ale clientului, politie si Senatul din Berlin a fost modul in care combina simultan vederea de ansamblu cu rezolutia de top pentru detalii. Sistemele Dallmeier instalate ofera mai mult de 200 megapixeli in real time. In prezent exista in plan extidnerea sistemului pana la 600 megapixeli.
Design operational unic – chiar si la distanta
Panomera ofera capabilitati multi-user. Acest lucru inseamna ca, prin contrast cu camerele PTZ unde doar un operator poate face pan, tilt sau zoom, cu Panomera un numar nelimitat de operatori poat naviga pe intreaga imagine in mod independent. Desi toti operatorii sunt conectati la aceeasi camera, fiecare user poate selecta ceea ce vizioneaza si pot face zoom sau pan de voie. Sistemul multi-sensor Panomera de la Stadionul Olimpic din Berlin va fi monitorizat din nu mai putin de 8 camere de control si 9 statii de lucru. Operarea sistemului prin intermediul SeMSy management software este foarte usoara si intuitiva. Operatorul are la dispozitie pe monitor un slider cu scena de ansamblu. Prin tehnica drag and drop, acestia pot afisa pe monitor o anumita sectiune sau zona, pot face zoom sau naviga de voie pe intreaga scena.
Vizualizarea imaginilor nu este limitata doar la stadion. Imaginile oferite de Panomera pot fi transmise politiei si pot fi evaluate la distanta prin intermediul SeMSy.
Inregistrare si disponibilitate crescuta
Imaginile sunt inregistrate pe serverele Dallmeier, ceea ce asigura disponibilitate crescuta a datelor si in acelasi timp indeplineste cerintele sofisticate ale beneficiarului. Serverele permit inregistrarea redundanta a imaginilor pe 2 hard disk-uri. In plus, acestea lucreaza pe sistem de operare Linux, despre care expertii afirma ca sunt foarte stabile. Pentru cresterea stabilitatii, sistemul de operare a fost separat de hardurile pentru stocarea inregistrarilor si ruleaza de pe Flash ROM. Sursa de alimentare este de asemenea asigurata permanent si beneficiaza de redundanta.
O all-in-one dintr-o sursa unica
Dallmeier a furnizat Stadionului Olimpic Berlin o solutie de securitate all-in-one video security dintr-o sursa unica. Conceptul de supraveghere Panomera este suplimentat de camere PTZ full-HD DDZ4020 cu zoom optic 20x care, de exemplu, supravegheaza grupurile de vizitatori din zonele exterioare. In plus, numeroase alte camere care exista la exterior, cum ar fi camere termale, au fost integrate in sistemul Dallmeier prin intermediul sistemelor de inregistrare din seria Smatrix. Intregul sistem video poate fi acum operat printr-o singura interfata. “Acest lucru a permis Stadionului Olimpic din Berlin sa continue folosirea tehnologiei existente si in acelasi timp sa transforme sistemul probabil, in cel mai inovativ sistem de securitate al stadionului din lume.” A precizat Roland Meier.
Despre Dallmeier
Dallmeier dispune de peste 25 ani experienta in tehnologiile de transmitere, inregistrare si procesare a imaginilor si este un pionier la nivel mondial in domeniul solutiilor CCTV/IP. Aceasta cunoasterea profunda este folosita pentru dezvoltarea de software inteligent si de tehnologii de inalta calitate pentru camere si inregistrarea imaginilor ceea ce confera Dallmeier posibilitatea de a oferi nu doar sisteme stand alone ci si solutii complete, inclusiv pentru proiecte de mari dimensiuni, cu componente perfect integrate. Chiar de la inceput, compania s-a concetrat pe dezvoltarea propriilor tehnologii inovative precum si pe calitate si stabilitate ridicate. Dallmeier este singurul producator din Germania care dezvolta si isi produce singura toate echipamentele. Aceasta include toata gama de produse, de la camere si stocarea si transmiterea imaginilor pana la analiza video inteligenta si chiar sisteme de management costumizate individual. Calitatea Dallmeier este „made in Germany”! Toate acestea si experienta extinsa in domeniile CCTV si IP au condus la o pozitie de top in piata internationala a sistemelor digitale de supraveghere video.
The Olympic Stadium in Berlin is relying on state-of-the-art video technology: Dallmeier’s world premier “Panomera” is now ensuring top security at the five-star arena.
The Olympic Stadium in Berlin can seat more than 74,000 spectators for football matches, track and field events or concerts. At the venue, the Panomera multi-sensor camera system not only provides a comprehensive overview, but also shows details at great distances in unprecedented resolution.
Over 200 megapixels for top detail resolution
Panomera’s most convincing feature for the decision-makers at the stadium, the police and the senate in Berlin was the way it combines the overall view with simultaneous top detail resolution. Currently, the installed multi-sensor camera systems deliver an astounding 200+ megapixels in real time. Plans are already in place to expand the system to over 600 megapixels.
Unique operating design – even from a distance
Panomera features multi-user capability. This means that in contrast to PTZ cameras, with which only one operator can pan, tilt or zoom, with Panomera, an unlimited number of operators can navigate across the entire scene independently of each other. Although all operators are connected to the same camera, each of the individual users can select their view individually and zoom or pan as they desire. The Panomera multi-sensor systems in the Berlin Olympic Stadium will be monitored from a total of eight control rooms and nine work stations. Operating the system with the SeMSy management software is very easy and intuitive. Operators see a slider with the overall scene on their respective monitors. Using drag and drop, they can then enlarge the desired area on the monitor, zoom as desired or move around the entire scene.
Reviewing of the camera images won’t just take place at the stadium itself, however. The Panomera images will also be transmitted to the police and will be evaluated remotely by means of SeMSy.
Recording with highest availability
The images are recorded on Dallmeier video servers, which ensure highest availability of the data and, in turn, meet the sophisticated demands of Berlin’s Olympic Stadium. The video servers allow redundant recording of the image data on two hard disk drives. In addition, they work with the Linux operating system, which experts consider to be extremely reliable. In order to further increase stability, the operating system was separated from the hard drives and stored on a Flash ROM. The power supply is also assured at all times, since the power supply units are redundant.
All-in-one solution from a single source
Dallmeier supplied the Berlin Olympic Stadium an all-in-one video security solution from one source. For this, the Panomera surveillance concept is supplemented by full-HD DDZ4020 PTZ cameras with 20x optical zoom, which, for instance, observe throngs of visitors in the outdoor area. In addition, numerous other already existing cameras in the outdoor areas, such as the existing thermal cameras, were integrated into the Dallmeier system via Smatrix series recording devices. The entire video system can now be operated from a single interface. “This allowed the Berlin Olympic Stadium to continue using its existing technology and at the same time, to expand the system into what is most likely the world’s most innovative stadium security system,” Roland Meier says.
About Dallmeier
Dallmeier has at its disposal more than 25 years of experience in transmission, recording as well as picture processing technology and is an outstanding pioneer of CCTV/IP solutions worldwide. This profound knowledge is used in the development of intelligent software and high quality recorder and camera technologies enabling Dallmeier to not only offer stand-alone systems, but complete network solutions up to large-scale projects with perfectly integrated components. Right from the beginning the company always focused on own innovative developments and highest quality and reliability. Dallmeier is the only manufacturer in Germany that develops and manufactures all components on its own. This includes the entire product range, from cameras to picture storage and transmission to intelligent video analysis and even individually adjusted management systems. Quality made by Dallmeier, made in Germany! This and the extensive experience in the CCTV and IP field have lead to a top position in the international market for digital video surveillance systems.
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