Panomera Multisensor system – 51 megapixels in real time
Panomera Multisensor system – 51 megapixels in real time. A castigat IFSEC Award “CCTV Camera Equipment of the Year“
Numele produsului si premiului
Denumire: Panomera
Premiu: IFSEC Award “CCTV Camera Equipment of the Year“
Descrierea produsului
“In dezvoltarea acestui produs am lucrat indeaproape cu beneficiarii finali si am primit feedback foarte pozitiv. Castigarea premiului IFSEC arata inca o data ca conceptul camerei Panomera este deja considerat de specialisti si de industria internationala de securitate o inovatie deschizatoare a unui nou trend. Suntem siguri ca tehnologia Panomera va schimba piata securitatii video pe termen lung,” a spus Georg Martin, Director de Marketing la Dallmeier.
Cu Panomera, o zona imenza poate fi supravegheata intr-o maniera foarte eficienta. Dintr-o locatie unica, aceeasi suprafata poate fi supravegheata la fel ca prin folosirea unui sistem de mai multe camere HD instalate in diverse pozitii. “Diferenta nu consta doar in faptul ca prin folosirea unui sistem de mai multe camere HD distribuite in diferite locuri nu poate functiona la fel de eficient datorita faptului ca unghiul fiecarei camere nu poate fi directionat la modul ideal pe imaginea de ansamblu. Din moment ce nu este ncesar a se instala un numar mare de camere, infrastructura necesara – cabluri, manopera si altele – sunt substantial reduse, la fel ca si cheltuielile de service si mentenanta.” explica Dieter Dallmeier, fondator si CEO al companiei. “Astazi, Panomera este sistemul video cel mai eficient de pe piata din punct de vedere al costului” a adaugat acesta..
Panomera este o camera HD cu tehnologie de ultima or ace a fost special dezvoltata pentru supravegherea video cuprinzatoare a spatiilor largi. Cu Panomera, zone largi si distante mari pot fi supravegheate la o calitate a rezolutiei incredibila (pana la 51 megapixels). Acest lucru poate fi realizat in real time cu pana la 30 fps. Prin aceasta, Panomera depaseste cu mult standardul HD conventional (1080p), redefinind practic celebrul termen “high resolution”. “Panomera effect” incepe acolo unde isi ating limitele camerele HD si megapixel conventionale.
In practica, sistemul sofisticat de senzori demonstreaza avantaje numeroase fata de solutiile precedente. A arie imensa poate fi supravegheata dintr-o singura locatie si, in functie de necesitatile clientului, rezolutia poate fi scalata aproape fara limita.
Panomera este un sistem multi-sensor de pana la 51 megapixels. Ceea ce ii confera un caracter special sunt lentilele complet noi si conceptul de folosire a senzorilor. Cu camerele HD si megapixel conventionale, rezolutia specificata, sa spunem 12 megapixel, este distribuita in mod egal pe intreg unghiul de vizionare. In aceste conditii, cand incercam sa apropiem anumite sectiuni ale imaginii din background, imaginea devine rapid incetosata si pixelata. Astfel, detaliile nu mai pot fi observate. Prin folosirea unor principii inovative de constructie geometrica, Panomera isi foloseste megapixelii astfel incat chiar si obiectele foarte indepartate pot fi afisate cu aceeasi rezolutie ca obiectele din prim planul imaginii. Astfel, este posibil sa identificam persoane la distante mai mari de 160 metri. Rezolutia ce necesita arhivare pentru anumite distante pot fi individual definite potrivit cerintelor proiectului.
In plus, cu Panomera, toate zonele imaginii sunt afisate simultan la rezolutie maxima si cu toate detaliile fiind inregistrate in regim continuu. De aceea, este rezolvata cunoscuta problema a operarii camerelor PTZ prin care trebuie sa alegem intre vederea de ansamblu si vederea detaliata. Camerele PTZ au un dezavantaj clar: daca operatorul face zoom sau pan pe o anumita zona, doar detaliile afisate sunt inregistrate. Acest lucru inseamna ca nu se inregistreaza scena de ansamblu si astfel, incidentele din zonele nesupravegheate pot fi scapate din vedere si nici nu mai pot fi reconstituite. In acest caz, Panomera actioneaza diferit: indiferent de zona vizionata de operator intr-un moment dat, toata zona supravegheata este inregistrata la rezolutie maxima si cu maximum de detalii. Prin urmare, un incident poate fi reconstituit in detaliu dupa ce acesta s-a petrecut, chiar daca operatorul viziona decat o sectiune a imaginii supravegheate.
Spre deosebire de camerele PTZ, Panomera nu are parti mecanice mobile, ceea ce inseamna ca nu se produce uzura si se prelungeste durata de functionare a echipamentului.
Panomera este foarte potrivita pentru supravegherea video cuprinzatoare a spatiilor largi sau distantelor mari, mai ales daca este necesara recunoasterea detaliilor indepartate. Panomera este destinata clientilor pentru care este esential sa aiba atat o vedere de ansamblu si simultan sa poata recunoaste detalii (obiecte, persoane etc) la distante mari. Obiective tipice pentru Panomera sunt stadioanele, airporturile, caile ferate sau autostrazile.
Alte date
In functie de domeniul de aplicare, clientul poate alege intre diferite modele Panomera, destinate zonelor largi, distantelor mari sau zonelor mici dar provocatoare din punct de vedere al supravegherii video. In acest scop, asa cum am precizat mai sus, Panomera poate fi individual adaptata cerintelor si nevoilor clientului.
However, a camera alone does not constitute a video surveillance system. That’s why the manufacturer of the Panomera technology – the German company Dallmeier – offers one-stop complete solutions, including cameras, recording technology, as well as video management and video analysis.
Imagini video pot fi gasite pe site-ul Dallmeier
sau pe youtube
Aditional, puteti accesa un studiu de caz pentru „Olympic Stadium Berlin“.
De unde a aparut ideea
Conceptul pentru Panomera s-a format pe un numar de ani dar abia acum am avut la dispozitie tehnologia pentru a pune acest concept in practica.
Evolutia de la concept la produs
Calea inceputa acum multi ani s-a dovedit corecta. Ne-am ocupat de toate aspectele technologiei securitatii video in defavoarea focusarii pe componente individuale. Fie ca ne referim la inregistrari, camere sau management, realizari precum dezvoltarea sistemului Panomera si saltul tehnologic aferent au fost posibile datorita priceperii noastre in toate zonele de interes dar si know-how-ului colaboratorilor nostri. Panomera dovedeste inca o data pionieratul si spiritul inovator care ne caracterizeaza.
Contact pentru Romania
Apricum d.o.o.
Dallmeier Electronic Authorised Sales-/Service Partner
Dubrovacka 65
21000 Split
Contact: Olivera Tomic
Tel: +385 (0) 91 206 1036
Fax: +385 (0) 21 507 606
Name of the product and the prize
Name: Dallmeier Panomera
Prize: IFSEC Award “CCTV Camera Equipment of the Year“
Product description:
“We had already worked closely with end customers during the development of Panomera and received very positive feedback. Winning the IFSEC Award shows once more that today Panomera’s camera concept is already considered to be a trend-setting innovation by international industry insiders and video security specialists. We are certain that the Panomera technology will change the video security market in the long run,” said Dallmeier Marketing Director Georg Martin.
With Panomera, a huge area can be monitored in a highly efficient manner. From just a single location, the same area can be surveyed as with multiple HD cameras installed at several locations. “The difference is not just that multiple HD cameras distributed in different places would not work as efficiently due to the fact that the image angle of the individual cameras cannot be ideally directed on the overall scene. Since fewer camera installation locations are needed, the requirements for the infrastructure, such as cables, are substantially lower, along with expenditures for servicing and maintenance,” explains Dieter Dallmeier, company founder and CEO. “Today, Panomera is the most cost-effective camera system on the market,” he adds.
Panomera is a completely novel HD camera technology, which was specially developed for the all-encompassing video surveillance of expansive areas. With Panomera, huge widths, as well as areas with large distances can be displayed with a completely new resolution quality (up to 51 megapixels). This can be done in real time and with high frame rates of up to 30 fps. In so doing, Panomera far surpasses the conventional HD 1080p standard, redefining the often heard term “high resolution”. The “Panomera effect” begins where conventional HD and megapixel cameras reach their limits.
And in actual use, the sophisticated sensor system demonstrates numerous advantages over previous solutions. A huge area can be surveyed from a single location, and depending on the customer’s needs, the resolution can be scaled nearly limitlessly.
Panomera is a multi-sensor system with up to 51 megapixels. What makes Panomera so special is the completely novel lens and sensor concept. With conventional HD or megapixel cameras, the indicated resolution, let’s say 12 megapixels, is evenly distributed on the entire viewing angle. Now, if one tries to enlarge image sections from the background of the scene, the image quickly becomes blurry and pixeled. Details can then no longer be recognised. With innovative geometric construction principles, Panomera uses its megapixels such that even objects that are farther away can be displayed with the same resolution as objects in the foreground of the picture. That makes it possible to still identify people at a distance of more than 160m. The resolution that needs to be achieved for a certain distance can be individually defined, according to project requirements.
Furthermore, with Panomera, all areas of the entire surveillance scene are displayed simultaneously with maximum detail resolution and recorded permanently. Therefore, the known operator problem with PTZ cameras of having to choose between overview screen and detailed view is resolved. PTZ cameras have a definite disadvantage: If the operator zooms or pans into a certain area, only that detail is recorded. This means that later, no recording of the overall scene exists, so that incidents in other areas may be overlooked and can no longer be reconstructed. Here, Panomera works differently: Regardless of the part of the surveillance area the operator focuses on at a particular moment, with Panomera, the overall action is recorded at all times – with maximum resolution of detail. As a result, an incident can also be reconstructed in detail after the fact, no matter where it occurred.
In contrast to PTZ cameras, Panomera has no movable mechanical parts, which means there is no wear, extending the camera’s lifetime.
Panomera is especially suited for the all-encompassing video surveillance of very large areas or areas with great distances, where also details that are far away need to be recognised. So Panomera is suited where it is essential to have an overview over the whole scene, but simultaneously need to recognise e.g. persons over long distances. Typical application fields include for instance stadiums, airports and rail stations, logistics or highways.
Additional data
Depending on the area of application, the customer can choose from among different Panomera models, whether for expansive wide areas, long distance areas or challenging smaller surveillance areas. To this end, as already described above, Panomera can be individually adapted to the customer’s needs at all times.
However, a camera alone does not constitute a video surveillance system. That’s why the manufacturer of the Panomera technology – the German company Dallmeier – offers one-stop complete solutions, including cameras, recording technology, as well as video management and video analysis.
For videos you can link to our website:
Video demo:
Case study: „Olympic Stadium Berlin“
Where did the idea originated from
The idea of Panomera has matured over a number of years, and now we had the technology at our disposal to implement it in practice.
How long did it take to develop from concept to final result
The path we embarked on many years ago has proved to be correct. We addressed all aspects of video security technology rather than concentrating on individual components. Be it recorders, cameras or management, achievements such as our development of the Panomera system and the leap in technology were only possible due to our mastery of all areas and our associated in-house know-how. With Panomera, we can again prove our pioneer role and spirit of innovation
6. Contact for potential clients in Romania
Apricum d.o.o.
Dallmeier electronic Authorised Sales-/Service Partner
Dubrovacka 65
21000 Split
Contact: Olivera Tomic
Tel: +385 (0) 91 206 1036
Fax: +385 (0) 21 507 606